Let’s Talk About the Dirty
Little Secret of Online Courses…
The online course space is a $255 Billion industry with a capital B. More people are creating online courses than ever, but there’s a dirty secret nobody really wants to talk about.
Customer churn.
Online courses worldwide are experiencing a 97% attrition rate from start to finish.
That’s pathetic. And unacceptable. We can do so much better.
And yet, how many of us struggle to make our courses ‘stick’ with our audiences? The online marketing space depends on selling courses and keeping our customers connected to our business.
Creating a course is hard enough, which is why so many half-baked courses never hit the market. It’s even harder making sure the course you create is what your audience actually wants from you. When you finally have your course ready, you probably have that sick feeling when your course fails to create a lasting impact.
This isn’t a nameless, faceless challenge; it’s affecting coaches, consultants, speakers, authors, trainers, small businesses, corporations, people you know and love.It’s because we’ve been relying on bad information.
And, so many course creators are left wondering why. Nobody’s talking about why courses aren’t being completed. Nobody’s asking the right questions to figure out what we can do better to make our courses meaningful. We’re simply regurgitating the same bad info we heard from someone else who passed it down the line to us.So, where does that leave us?
Online Courses Aren’t Dead.
They Simply Need A Better Way To Work.…
Pushing “publish” on your website won’t create lasting impact, reduce customer acquisition cost, or build your reputation as a thought leader overnight. Your customers deserve the right information that inspires them to finish your course and create the results they want.
You’ve seen others have success with online courses, a lot of success.
Why does it work for them and not for you? They have a little more information.
They know the secrets.And now, they want to share their secrets with you.
The Completed Course
30+ World-Changing Online Course Geniuses Want to
Share Their Course Completion Secrets With YOU.
The Completed CourseImagine leveraging the collective genius of Ryan Deiss, Jay Baer, Pat Flynn, Chris Smith, Jason Swenk, and dozens other marketing influencers. This would level the playing field with everyone sharing the best strategies for optimal impact and maximum earnings.
Imagine what that could do for your business, your life, even your legacy:
Think about the type of impact you could create.
Picture how many more people you’ll get to help because you know
what they need to get the right results.
Can’t you just hear story after story of people sharing
how your course gave them the freedom they wanted?
It all starts with The Completed Course: The Secret to Creating Lasting Impact, Raving Fans, and Increased Profits With Online Courses from Dr. Carrie Rose.

Pat Flynn
CEO, Smart Passive Income
When I started Smart Passive Income back in 2008, my goal was simple: share the strategies that have helped me grow my online business. Since that time, it has become remarkably easy to find advice on internet marketing and starting an online business—but what has gotten harder is finding ethical advice that has been properly tested.

Ryan Deiss
CEO, Digital Marketer
We've also sent well over a BILLION emails, and run approximately 3,000 split and multi-variant tests. Ryan is also a highly sought after speaker and consultant whose work has impacted over 200,000 businesses in 68 different countries.

Jason Swenk
Digital Agency Owner
Jason is a big kid, former digital agency owner, entrepreneur, podcaster, YouTuber, Ironman, Crossfitter, ex-actor in a B-rated movie, and much more.
Ryan Deiss
Pat Flynn
Jay Baer
Jason Swenk
Ian Garlic
Ray Higdon
Greg Hickman
Chris Smith
Justin Lofton
Keara Palmay
Andrew O’Brien
Michael Savage
Katya Sarmiento
Jeff Schechter
Mel Abraham
Tim Erway
Mitchell Gandy
Phoebe Mroczek
David Bayer
Dave Albano
Wes Schaeffer
AJ Yager
Norbert Orlewicz
Anna Selby
Jason Alan Miller
Itay Bengal
Jesse Jameson
Kate Buck Jr
Mark Bailey
Jeremy Howie
Owen Hemsath
Pamela Herrmann
Robert Ricciardelli
Anthony Trucks